Our Staff

North Dayton Baptist Church's staff strives to be the example of servanthood to our church and community. Pointing people to Christ while leading with integrity and love.

Tom Swartzwelder

Interim Pastor

God called Tom Swartzwelder into the ministry in 1976. Tom and Ruth Ellen relocated to this area last October to be closer to their youngest grandchildren. Though semi-retired from the pastorate, Tom has a growing ministry through his website Godsgreenhouse.net, provides daily on-line devotionals and is currently working on his fifth book,  God’s Righteousness on Trial: Will Evil Triumph?

Karl Stonecipher

Minister of Music


Serving NDBC since 2017



Debbie Robinson

Office Admin


Serving at NDBC since 2012

Renee' Summers

Church Pianist & 

Children's Worship Leader


Serving at NDBC since 1980

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